EMDR and Somatic Therapy: Which Could Be a Good Fit For You?
Somatic therapy, and notably Somatic Experiencing (SE), has gained a lot of exposure and interest in both the therapeutic and general communities. And rightly so. Somatic therapy has proved to be highly effective in helping people release psycho-comatic symptoms and body discomfort that may stem from unresolved psychological difficulties or trauma. EMDR has been doing a similar thing since the 1990s. Now, a lot of people ask, “Is somatic therapy the same as EMDR?” or “Is somatic therapy better than EMDR?”
There is no simple answer to this question, so I’ve decided to write this article to familiarize you with both of these types of therapies and, what’s even more important, to help you decide which works for you. There isn’t one that is overall better than the other. They are different kinds of psychotherapy, and they both work within the frameworks they utilize.
What is EMDR therapy?
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a structured form of psychotherapy that helps clients process their traumatic memories, store them in different brain areas, and gain better coping skills.
To achieve that, EMDR uses bilateral stimulation (simultaneous stimulation) primarily through left-to-right eye movement. During this process, the client thinks about their traumatic memories and gets desensitized to them. The left-to-right eye movement engages both parts of the brain, occupying it, so the person can think of the experience without getting emotionally overwhelmed as they usually do. Once that is done, the memory can safely transfer to other brain regions, sifting from a distressing flashback to simply an unpleasant memory.
EMDR is a structured process with eight stages. It can only be performed by a licensed professional who has undergone training. EMDR is also applicable for numerous different types of mental health problems and difficulties that stem from trauma, including:
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Anxiety and phobias
Depression and mood disorders
Substance abuse and dependence
Eating disorders
Personality disorders
Sleep disorders and nightmares
Low self-esteem and negative self-image
If you want to learn more about EMDR, you can do so in this step-by-step explanatory article.
What is Somatic Experiencing therapy?
Somatic Experiencing (SE), probably the most known somatic therapy, is a type of psychotherapy that aims to resolve stored stress and trauma that is accumulated in our nervous system and body as a result of traumatic experiences. SE uses body-awareness scans, exercises, breathing techniques, movement, and even dancing to alleviate the body from being stuck in “fight, flight, or freeze” symptoms.
As Somatic Experiencing International reports, somatic therapy works to release stuck emotions and bodily sensations, recover from emotional and physical distress, and improve resilience in clients. Due to its flexibility and versatility, Somatic therapy can be integrated and used together with many other forms of psychotherapies, coaching, and teaching.
Somatic therapy is suitable for different kinds of mental health difficulties and disorders, including:
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Eating disorders
Trauma and trust issues
Complex grief
Negative self-image and low self-esteem
EMDR and Somatic therapy - Which One is Better?
Choosing between Somatic therapy and EMDR can be a difficult decision, especially if both seem applicable to your specific needs. If you want to read a more comprehensive guide regarding both EMDR and Somatic Therapy, I recommend you to head over to our article “EMDR and Somatic Therapy: Similarities and Differences.” Both of these therapies are effective in treating mental health difficulties like PTSD, anxiety, or depression. They utilize different methods to achieve that, and which one is more appropriate is a matter of personal choice and the nature of the difficulties.
To start out, there isn’t a better type of psychotherapy. They’re both helpful, effective, evidence based, and we’ve seen good results with our clients. That said, there could be one that’s a better fit for you or what you’re wanting to work through. So, instead of finding an objective “better” therapy, it’s best to focus on your particular needs. Start by assessing your individual needs and preferences so you can choose based on your symptoms and what you need to feel better.
Somatic Experiencing therapy is more body-focused and explores physical sensations and symptoms. It then works through the emotions associated with those sensations and slowly and gradually explores physical experiences, movement, and breathing that help you release those stuck emotions. Somatic therapy may take longer, but it permanently improves your relationship with your body, raising awareness about your bodily sensations and allowing you to “unfreeze” your pains or tension.
EMDR, on the other hand, is far more directed and structured. It relies on eye movements and mental reprocessing of traumatic experiences so you can lower the emotional distress connected to those experiences. From there, it also builds up emotional resilience, coping skills, and support systems so the person can better manage their triggers and employ lasting change. EMDR, due to its structure and protocol, may also bring faster results for the client compared to somatic experiencing.
Talking to a licensed mental health professional can help you determine the right type of therapy for you. At EMDR Therapy Nashville, we are certified and experienced therapists who can provide you with directions about the best course of action for your mental health and then structurally help you get there. If you want to learn more about the different types of psychotherapies and modalities, we can use to guide you toward your best self, visit our About page and find out more!
Now, let’s continue with helping you decide between EMDR and Somatic therapy.
How to choose the right therapy for you
Deciding between somatic experience therapy or EMDR therapy mainly depends on your unique needs and how trauma has impacted your life. Here are some questions you can answer to find out more about what might be a better approach for you:
* I recommend you take a piece of paper, write your answers down, and use them during the next sections of this article.*
Do you struggle more frequently with physical symptoms that stem from trauma or visual flashbacks, memories or nightmares?
Do you feel detached from your body and your emotions, or are you prone to get overstimulated by sensations and emotions?
Do you feel the need to engage your body more often, or are you prone to overthink and talk?
Do you feel the need to explore your experiences spontaneously, or are you more comfortable with a structured approach that guides you through the process?
With these answers in mind, here are some guidelines you can use to gain more awareness about the type of therapy that might be more suitable for you. Please keep in mind this is a pretty simplistic overview that goes in a blog but there are a lot of nuances we’d be happy to discuss more in depth:
What is somatic therapy good for?
Somatic experiencing therapy can be more suitable for people who:
Feel physical symptoms like pain, numbness, tension, and stiffness due to trauma and traumatic experiences.
Feel detached from their body and emotions.
Are looking to increase their bodily awareness and integrate the mind and the body.
Are looking to work on a more physical level and engage their body in the process, as opposed to talk therapy.
Have a need/wish to move and express themselves through their body.
What is EMDR therapy likely good for?
EMDR might be a better choice for people who:
Battle with particular traumatic memories and have a hard time processing those experiences.
Experience flashbacks, intrusive thoughts, and nightmares or are easily susceptible to external triggers that remind them of their trauma.
Have difficulties controlling their emotional affect.
Prefer a therapy style that doesn’t focus extensively on talking about the trauma or moving their body.
Have a need/wish for structure and professional guidance and enjoy step-by-step processes.
Combining EMDR and Somatic therapy
Although you can choose just one type of psychotherapy to help you with your mental health difficulties, you also have the option of combining somatic experiencing and EMDR for a holistic approach. This trend is already well existing in the scientific psychotherapy community and has proven to be an effective way of treating trauma-related mental health difficulties.
Somatic therapy connects you to your bodily sensations, and EMDR connects you with your thoughts. While EMDR helps with reprocessing and desensitization, somatic therapy helps you learn how to release tension from the body. Together, they can help you gain more emotional self-control and self-regulation, allowing you to express your emotions in a healthy way. To learn more about how we integrate Somatic experiencing and EMDR therapy at EMDR Therapy Nashville, visit our page.
Make an educated decision.
There isn’t just one “right” way to cope with and overcome trauma. Somatic therapy and EMDR are both evidence-based and effective treatments, but they utilize different approaches and methods. Your individual needs and circumstances, how trauma impacted your life, and the therapeutic methods that resonate with you better should be your guides when deciding what psychotherapy would be best for you.
At EMDR Therapy Nashville, we can help you improve your mental health by using the right approach for you. Whether you need to ask questions, consult experts about directions, or schedule your Somatic or EMDR therapy, we are here for you.
SE 101. Somatic Experiencing® International. (2025, February 20). https://traumahealing.org/se-101/
Schwartz, A., & Maiberger, B. (2024, June 18). EMDR therapy and somatic psychology: Interventions to enhance embodiment in trauma treatment (W. W. Norton, 2018). EMDR International Association. https://www.emdria.org/resource/emdr-therapy-and-somatic-psychology-interventions-to-enhance-embodiment-in-trauma-treatment-w-w-norton-2018/